It’s almost Halloween, so let’s talk blood sugar regulation!
Poor food choices cause instability in our blood sugar, and this has major effects on our mood, nervous system, and weight management. Most often we experience anxiousness, sleep disturbances, irritability, brain fog, and fatigue. When we eat foods with high sugar content, the body releases larger amounts of insulin, which then attempts to transport the sugar molecules out of the blood and into our different cells. As blood sugar levels decrease or crash, we feel really tired, and often feed low mood.
When we crash, our body tries to correct for this sudden loss in energy supply. One way it does this is by causing further sugar cravings (more Halloween candy), and by stimulating a stress response which releases cortisol in the body. The reason for this is that cortisol functions in the body to mobilize glucose stores in preparation for a fight or flight response. We especially don't want this to be happening before bed, as fight or flight mode throughout the night means really poor sleep! These cortisol spikes cause us to wake during the night, and feel wired or wide awake despite fatigue.
The long-term effects of blood sugar dysregulation are widespread, and associated with many chronic illnesses. Blood sugar imbalances can lead to obesity, mood disorders, insomnia, heart disease, elevated cholesterol, kidney disease, immune disorders, nerve damage…. we don't want any of these.
So, this week while you reach for the chocolate bars instead of the raisins (of course) in the treat bowl, consider a few of these ways to maintain the balance.
Protein and fats. Eating a balance of healthy proteins and fats will help to slow the digestion and absorption of sugars. This will minimize blood sugar spikes, and the ensuing crashes. If you’re going to have a chocolate bar, choose one with nuts!
Fiber. Fiber helps to reduce blood sugar spikes, by binding excess sugars in the gut and slowing absorption. Water-soluble forms of fiber (mucilage, pectin, gums, and hemicellulose), such as those found in plant cell walls are best. Some great sources are legumes/beans, nuts, seeds, pears, apples, most vegetables, chia, and flax. Increase your intake of plant-based foods, and you will have your fiber intake taken care of!
Antioxidants. Speaking of plant-based foods, antioxidants are another reason to up your intake. High blood sugar poses more risk of oxidative stress to our cells, which means that we need more antioxidants in these times, to counteract the negative effects.
Timing. Eat your treats for breakfast! I’m kidding, but further away from bedtime is best. This gives your body the chance to use the sugars for useful energy, instead of just having those sugars floating around in our bloodstream during couch time.
Exercise. Our bodies preferentially use carbohydrates/sugars for quick fuel, so burn up those sugars! Enjoy a nice Halloween after-work snack… and then go for a 30-minute jog, or a class, etc. If your willpower failed you after dinner or later in the evening, grab your friend, partner, sibling, or pup and get out for a nice walk before bed.
Probiotics. Keep that gut flora in check! Bacteria in the gut feed off simple sugars and can result in overgrowth, and candida. So, make sure to give your body a regular dose of the good kind of bacteria, to keep a healthy balance.
Sleep! A tired body and mind will send signals to the brain to crave a quick source of energy....sugar. So when you go into that staff room, with the generously provided bowl of treats, give yourself a fighting chance.
Adaptogens. Adaptogens have the ability to regulate cortisol secretion, and in this way help with our blood sugar balance. This is a great time to support the adrenal glands and mitigate the stain on the nervous system. Holy basil (aka Tulsi) is an excellent calming and adaptogenic herb, that helps reduce blood sugar levels and regulate cortisol. It is easily found in health food stores in different varieties of tea and is a great staple to keep in the house. It’s especially good to drink this tea in the evening, to set you up for a restful sleep.
Most importantly though, check your guilty conscience and realize that this time comes once a year. Enjoy that heavenly Reese’s peanut butter cup, that mini Snickers, …and mini box of Smarties… and then integrate 1 or 2 of these ways of re-establishing the balance! Every once in a while, you can have your cake and eat it too :)
Happy Halloween!