I chose this picture for this post, my 30th birthday- another new start this year surrounded by lots of love and close friends!
The first post is a little intimidating- I’ve been trying to figure out what would merit the very first spot on the blog! What I decided to write about, is just that though- getting going, and taking the first steps in the direction of your goals.
Yesterday over coffee with a friend, we talked about how hard it is to take those first steps- how you want it to be perfect so you can put your best foot forward from the start. Depending on how big your goals are, and how connected you are to them, this first step can be scary. We talked about the desire to be anonymous in your first attempt at putting yourself out there, for some reason feeling like you are more vulnerable in front of the people that you already know. Not knowing what their expectations may be, and also showing a side of yourself that those around you don't necessary know all that well, or see all too often. Our passions, hobbies, and ultimately the career paths we choose, are what we have chosen to repeatedly pursue in our alone time, without any thought of trying to relate or connect to others. It is the side, that is simply true to ourselves, and putting it out there to share can tweak at our vulnerability strings.
Later that day another friend and colleague passed on a video, without knowing where I was at, that couldn’t have been better timing. The video was by a motivational speaker, who spoke about starting your dream. The biggest take away I got from it was this: “ You don't have to be great to start. You have to start to be great.”
So here it is- a new start. Yaaaahoooo! :)